Current Projects

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WHAT: The water district, which was formed in 1975, has system deficiencies due to its naturally occurring aging process that all mechanical infrastructures are subject to.

2 Wells that have reduced structural casing due to 40 years of maintenance.

4 Buried storage tanks that appear to be leaking.

Outdated gas chlorination buildings and delivery systems.

A backup generator that has to be manually started.

No communication between the 2 pumphouses and no pressure sensors within the distribution system to notify the Operator of problems.

Well #2 property needs the security fence extended.

HOW: A Preliminary Engineering Report was performed and submitted by Great West Engineering, Inc. in July of 2020.  A Request for Qualifications was submitted by the Gore Hill County Water District board of directors and Great West Engineering, Inc. was awarded the contract for this project in December 2020.  The Gore Hill County Water District is pursuing a State Revolving Fund loan to implement the above water supply improvements.  The estimated cost of this project is below:

Personnel, Legal, Bond Counsel                                 $16,000

SRF Bond Reserve (1/2 yearly payment)                 $31,000

Engineering                                                                        $88,000

Construction plus add’l Electrical                           $786,000

Contingency                                                                       $75,000                                


The cost for this project would be paid for with a 20/year loan from the State Revolving Fund at 2.5%.  The yearly payment would be approximately $62,000. This works out to approximately $26 per customer per month rate increase to ensure that the loan amounts are met and also to ensure that the water district rates meet the Department of Commerce median household rate requirements.  The exact amount of the rate increase will be determined once the bids come in for the project.

WHEN:  The district continues to go through the process of implementing this project.  The engineering firm is finalizing the project plans.  The Department of Environmental Quality will perform an assessment on the project.  A site title opinion will be performed.  A public meeting for the district will be scheduled.  Bids for the project will be requested.  Total completion of this project is projected in 2021.